(Texas Scorecard) – A Dallas “church” hosted a service dedicated to celebrating drag performers and “transgender” individuals in defiance of the conservative Texas Legislature.

A video shared by Texas Family Project on X captured glimpses of the event at the United Church of Christ Cathedral of Hope on Sunday.

“Yesterday our team spent their day away from their families and church to expose evil happening in Texas,” commented Brady Gray, president of Texas Family Project, about the clips. “It isn’t fun, but if we’re going to see an end to this darkness, someone’s got to shine a light on it.”

Among the church’s performers was a “drag king”—a woman wearing a bedazzled beard and religious garments—who preached that “performing gender as a daily task is a learned cultural trait.”


The performer announced that her first experience in drag was in high school when she and other “closeted lesbians” volunteered to play men in a drama. The church audience laughed and applauded.

A “drag queen”—a man dressed to appear as a woman—also performed something akin to a comedy routine at a drag brunch fundraiser for “vital ministries” following the service. While there, he said that the congregants should sacrifice Trump voters.

“Do y’all sacrifice? Could we start?” the man asked the crowd. “He voted for Trump?” questioned the drag queen, directed towards an audience member who denied it. “Cause I will kill him,” the drag queen responded.

The drag queen proceeded to criticize Gov. Greg Abbott for approving conservative laws and recommended stopping him by taking away wheelchair ramps.

In another video, honored guests are called forward for recognition. Most of them were men dressed as caricatures of women in large wigs, dresses, heels, and heavy face paint. One man dressed as a dog crawled across the stage.

“Sometimes, as Cathedral of Hope, I think we forget just how queer we are,” one of the senior leaders said to the congregation. “We take it for granted to have a safe place for us to come and worship. We take it for granted in a world that continues to become more hostile.”

“Nothing about this ‘church’ service was Godly or Christian,” said Sara Gonzales, vice president of Texas Family Project. “What’s worse: the drag brunch fundraiser afterward was full of raunchy acts, sexual references, glorification of drug use, and scantily clad men dressed as women.”

“What church do you know that embraces such degeneracy and sin? Now consider that this church has a children’s and youth ministry,” she continued. “Texas children are being indoctrinated into this lifestyle. There’s no word for it other than evil.”