
Sarah Zubiate-Bennett is the co-founder and a board member of The Dallas Express, and CEO and founder of ZUBI’s Latin Sauce & Dip Company. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from St. Edward’s University with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Marketing, propelling her to into a role as a fixed income trader where she left #1 in her division, and then a top 1% performer in her wealth management roles prior to founding ZUBI’S. Due to her experience, she is regarded as a bold leader with demonstrated persistence, passion, creativity, and analytical prediction of micro and macroeconomic trends to build teams, models, structures, and processes for sustainable growth in both private and social sectors.

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Episode #1 – Premiere Episode – Monty Bennett

Sarah Zubiate Bennett
Sarah Zubiate Bennett
Monty Bennett
Monty Bennett
Bettina Bronfman
Bettina Bronfman

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The New Dallas Express Podcast Promo

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