A mother in McKinney ISD pled the case of her assaulted child before the school board.

“My two boys attended Minshew Elementary, last year. My oldest has special needs and was assaulted multiple times on campus. Not only did the school not take my son to the school nurse, not call myself nor my husband–– but also gaslit and retaliated on our special needs child,” Kayla Sollars said during a public comment period on November 18th.

This was far from the first time a member of the Sollars family had confronted the board of trustees. Donald Danielson, the grandfather of Kayla’s eldest son Jacob condemned the board for its “accountability and empathy [which was] found absolutely nowhere,” during a public comment period in September.

Sollars also explained that she believed her other child had been endangered. “I also want to touch on why this district allowed a convicted sex offender at my younger son’s kindergarten graduation at Minshew in May.”

“It was honestly a free-for-all with lots of five and six-year-olds running around, as well as lots of older and younger siblings in attendance,” she added, “I may be mistaken but from what I [and other moms saw]… none of us saw SRO or a police officer during the ceremony or afterward, so who exactly supervised this sex offender around numerous innocent children, whom you are entrusted with each day?”


Sollars did not identify the alleged sex offender, however, a later speaker in the public comment period said that this person was named “Billy White.” The speaker alleged that White was convicted as an adult man of “molesting… a little girl” and he was subsequently sentenced to five years in prison.

The Texas sex offender registry shows results for men named “Billy White” in DFW, although none live in McKinney. There are also results for William White, however, these offenders live outside DFW.

Florida’s sex offender registry shows someone with that name and an offense description that fits the one described in the public comment period: according to Florida’s Department of Law Enforcement that Billy White now lives in a zipcode that corresponds with northeastern Dallas County.

The Dallas Express broke the story of the Jacob Sollars assault in September. Kayla had told DX of numerous instances where her son had been punched or slapped by other students and she shared documentation of his injuries which included a concussion. She alleged that the district had retaliated against her family when she began to raise questions about why she was not immediately told about these incidents.

Ultimately, mediation and numerous grievances filed against the district did not bring the matter to a resolution.

Emails from a police detective obtained by DX at the time indicated the Sollars assault case may have been headed to a grand jury. When Kayla spoke to the board, she told them “McKinney PD has sent two of these assaults on our special needs child to a grand jury for prosecution now.”

Regarding the assault, the school board issued a statement of “no comment” when DX reached out.

Following this new allegation of an alleged sexual predator being allowed into a school, DX has again reached out for comment but did not receive a response by publication time.

This public comment period exchange is one of several concerning child safety, in recent months. Concerned citizens previously confronted the board over a bus driver who mysteriously drove several children 7 miles away to nearby Allen before reversing course and taking the kids to school, DX reported.